Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Support Your Local Comedy Club

It's Hump Day!!!  And to make it even better, its the end of Hump Day. 

This makes it the perfect time to start planning for the weekend.  If you keep having terrible weekends, its your fault.  Don't blame your girlfriend...she was just trying to help you get out the house...or just use you as a designated driver.

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."  "The best offense is a good defense."...and so on.

This week:
Atlanta - Uptown Comedy Corner June 9-13, Henry Welch (Comic View, Comedy Central)
Atlanta - The Punchline June 11-13, Maz Jobrani (Knights of Prosperity, Better Off Ted)
Birmingham - Stardome's Comedy Club June 9-13, Kristin Key (LCS) & June 12 Joy, The Queen of Clean
Chattanooga - The Comedy Catch, June 11-12, Ricky Peardon
Nashville - Zanies Comedy Club, June 10-13, Mitch Fatel

If your city isn't listed, let me know.  I'll get the scoop on your locale.

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